reselect提供的createSelector API具有记忆功能,但是它的用法奇怪,让入门者比较难理解,我也废了不少力才理解到这块。现在通过模拟脚本,来协助理解。先来看下我们怎么创建一个selector函数:
let selector = createSelector([fun1, fun2], fun3)
let someState = selector(state, props) <- 在mapStateToProps中这样用推导出 => let someState = (function(state, props) { let state1 = fun1(state, props) let state2 = fun2(state, props) return fun3(state1, state2) })(state, props)
所以,要使记忆功能生效,你必须保证fun3的实参不变,说白了,就是fun1, fun2的计算结果不变,因此fun1, fun2必须是返回固定值的函数。这种函数比pure function还要硬性,即使参数不同,也要永远返回一个值。当然,我们是不可能做到这样的,如果fun1依赖的state发生来变化,那么它的结果自然就会变,这个时候,fun3就不再返回缓存,而是重新计算结果,同时缓存新的结果,下次就可以用这个缓存了。这样,就做到selector的响应式。
最后的问题是,如果fun1, fun2的结果会随着props的不同而返回不同的结果呢?这种情况普遍存在,一个react组件可能在一个页面里面被多次使用,每次使用的时候props可能不同。这就会导致reselect的记忆功能失效。
每一个计算结果的缓存,与传入fun3的参数是一一对应的,fun3可以说是一个pure function,参数相同的情况下,得到的结果永远相同。有两种解决的想法:
- 为每一个组件设置单独的映射,这个可以通过react-redux的connect来实现,当mapStateToProps返回的是一个函数时,那么这个函数的运算结果仅对组件的当前实例生效,也就是说,在我们写mapStateToProps函数时,不能直接返回映射关系,而是返回一个函数,这个函数里面去做一些处理后再返回映射关系。下面有例子。
- 既然fun3的计算结果是根据参数来缓存的,那么我们可以尝试对参数做hash,固定的参数对应固定的fun3函数体,不同的参数对应不同的fun3函数体,当在不同的参数之间切换时,如果发现这个hash有存在的fun3函数体,那么就立即用它的缓存。下面也有例子。
const makeMapStateToProps = () => { const getSelector = makeSelector() // 下一段代码看makeSelector是怎么写的 const mapStateToProps = (state, props) => { return { todos: getSelector(state, props) } } return mapStateToProps } export default connect(makeMapStateToProps)(MyComponent)
import { createSelector } from 'reselect' function getSelector(state, props) { return state[props.id] } export function makeSelector() { return createSelector( [ getSelector ], (user) => { user.total_books = user.books.length return user }, ) }
let selectors = {} function makeSelector(uid) { if (selectors[uid]) return selectors[uid] let selector = createSelector(...) } function deleteSelector(uid) { delete selectors[uid] }
在重写slickgrid.js的时候,我一直有一种疑惑,究竟应该沿用jquery还是采用react作为视图层面的引擎?说到这里,很多人可能完全还没体会到,jquery和react是同一层面的东西,它们都是用来操作dom,和view层打交道的工具。很多人会立即跳起来,react高端多了,它有virtual dom,不直接和dom打交道。可是说了这么多,真的在开发某个第三方库的时候考虑过这个问题吗?对于撰写一个第三方的组件,它对于使用的开发者而言,无所谓技术框架,它有自己完整的api,因此对于使用者而言,不用深入学习它背后依赖的是jquery还是react。
Jquery | React | |
界面构建 | $().append() | Jsx+data |
操作界面方式 | $().doSomething() | setState |
编程方式 | 随机调用 | 生命周期 |
获取子节点 | $().find() | - |
事件响应 | $().on() | 生命周期+原生事件响应 |
维护方式 | 单文件维护 | 父子组件查找 |
有没有一种方案,可以优化jquery的界面构建过程?例如先通过数据抽象出virtual dom,然后通过virtual dom构建界面,构建过程还是通过jquery,后续的所有维护都通过jquery?
how to testing translated text when using react-i18next
When you using jest to test react application, you may have doubts about how to test components which are wrapped by react-i18next's translate function, and how could you verify the translation is applied to your application. Now let's talk about this topic.
1. testing a translated component
This is easy, according to react-i18next document here, you have several choices, but the best one I think is to do as want you did in your app.js:
const enzymeWrapper = mount( <Provider store={store}> <I18nextProvider i18n={i18n}> <ContactTable /> </I18nextProvider> </Provider> );
You even do not need a mock config (like react-redux), just do as what you have done in your app.js.
But here you will facing another problem if you use backend mode in your i18n initialize file.
2. verify translated text
You want to know whether i18next has translated your text in testing, so you do what I have told you in previous code. But if you use backend mode in your initialize file, you will find that your texts are not translated, the key in t
function will be return.
The reason is when you use backend mode, jest will not request translations files from server side (there is no server side in jest testing), so the resolution is to convert backend mode to sync mode. Create a new initialize file for testing:
import i18n from "i18next"; import enCommonTranslations from "./locales/en/common.json"; import zhCommonTranslations from "./locales/en/common.json"; i18n .init({ lng: "en", ns: ["common"], defaultNS: "common", resources: { en: { common: enCommonTranslations }, zh: { common: zhCommonTranslations } }, debug: false, interpolation: { escapeValue: false }, react: { wait: false, nsMode: "fallback" } }); export default i18n;
Use this new file as initialize file in your testing, and you will be excited. All languages are perloaded before unit test, and now you can get translated text from your component.
How to bind scroll/mousewheel between different elements by jquery?
In a case, I want to sync scrollbar action between different element by jquery. For example, when scroll $a's scrollbar, or mouse wheel scroll down on $a, I want to scroll $b's scrollbar, or even scrollTop/scrollLeft when $b is overflow:hidden. Now let's do it:
let syncScrollTopA2B = ($a, $b) => { $a.on('scroll', function() { $b.scrollTop($a.scrollTop()) }) } let syncMousewheelTopA2B = ($a, $b) => { $a.on('mousewheel DOMMouseScroll', function(e) { let { deltaY } = e.originalEvent $a.scrollTop($a.scrollTop() + deltaY) $b.scrollTop($a.scrollTop()) }) } let syncTop = ($a, $b) => { syncScrollTopA2B($a, $b) syncMousewheelTopA2B($b, $a) } let syncScrollLeftA2B = ($a, $b) => { $a.on('scroll', function() { $b.scrollLeft($a.scrollLeft()) }) } let syncMousewheelLeftA2B = ($a, $b) => { $a.on('mousewheel DOMMouseScroll', function(e) { if (e.shiftKey) { // press shift key on your keyboard let { deltaX } = e.originalEvent $a.scrollLeft($a.scrollLeft() + deltaX) $b.scrollLeft($a.scrollLeft()) } }) } let syncLeft = ($a, $b) => { syncScrollLeftA2B($a, $b) syncMousewheelLeftA2B($b, $a) }
When pull scrollbar on $a, scrollTop will sync to $b. The same with mouse wheel event. However, horizontal mouse wheel event is different, you should press shift
on your keyboard at the same time.
Difference between 'data' and 'state' in Frontend
After using React for months, I have to say it is very different between 'data' and 'state'. However at the first glance, they are the same thing. Now let's talk about this topic.
DATA is a stable structured source type. 'stable' means it will now change unless you request a new data to cover the variable. 'structured' means it is not compatible in different system.
STATE is a fluxible/changeable temporary source type. 'changeable' means it can be changed by current code scope. 'temporary' means when current scope is destroyed it should be destroyed too.
However, we always make a reference from a state to a data. This make the relationship complex.
I think there are several rules for developers to keep in mind:
- you should not use state to change its refer data, a data which is referred by a state should only be used for response (render, calculation..), no change
- data should be managed in a redux store like manager tool, if you want to request new data, you should dispatch a action to the store and let the store notify the application, and the application subscribe a listener in which can get the new data
- change a state means change the view, visual view is based on state, one state, one view, never make it unexpected when using state.
This is what I thought about data and state.
slickgrid中getItem, getItemById, getItemByIdx和row, id, index
1> 使用getItemByIdx(index)来获取某个数据
2> 通过getIdexById(id)来获取它在原始数据中的index
1> 使用getItem(row)来获取某个数据
2> 通过getRowById(id)来获取它在当前视图中的row
1> 使用getItemById(id)来获取某个数据
2> 通过getRowById(id)来获取它在当前视图中的row
3> 通过getIdexById(id)来获取它在原始数据中的index
感谢#837 会飞的小蜗牛 2019-08-25 20:53
<div style="display: flex; width: 300px; height: 200px;">
<div style="width: 100px;"></div>
<div style="flex-grow: 1">
<div style="width: 100%; height: 100%; overflow: auto;"></div>
上面的代码,我们希望创建一个盒子,盒子左边有一个固定100px宽度的div,右边说一个填满剩余空间的弹性伸缩div。而在这个弹性伸缩的div内部,我们希望放一个塞满整个区域的容器,容器设置了overflow: auto,因此,当这个容器内的内容超出可视区域时,会出现滚动条。
然而,事情没有想像的那么容易,上面的width: 100%并不会按我们想象的方式,使用它的父元素的宽度,而是会使用300px。
不幸的是,flex的flex-grow是不确定的,因此,这里的width: 100%不能按我们想象的方式展现。
<div style="display: flex; width: 300px; height: 200px;"> <div style="width: 100px;"></div> <div style="flex-grow: 1; display: flex;"> <div style="flex-grow: 1; height: 100%; overflow: auto;"></div> </div> </div>